How to live Sustainably for Beginners - 7 Tips!





  1. the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.

    "the sustainability of economic growth"

    • avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.

      "the pursuit of global environmental sustainability"

  The former perception of people who pursued a sustainable lifestyle was once a sub-culture of tree hugging hippies who desired to rebel from the mundane. They were often ostracized for embracing a nomadic way of life, relying on natural resources and rejecting anything big corporations had to offer. Due to these previous idealizations, the notion of sustainable living perceives to be one that is not "normal" nor attainable. However, a sustainable lifestyle is not only achievable but is crucial because our global future depends on it. More and more companies are adapting sustainable practices into their business because our resources are depleting and our Earth is slowly dying. Embracing a sustainable lifestyle isn't as difficult or scary as it may seem. Living more sustainable just requires a shift of mindset and habits, which might seem strange at first but once adapted becomes second nature.

    I did not grow up in a sustainable household by any means. My family often recycled bottles and reused things, however, we still held many bad habits that weren't eco-friendly. When I learned about how our selfish actions affected the planet, I wanted to help but felt it wouldn't change much. It was crazy to believe that one person could help the planet; how could my sustainable habits possibly influence an entire ecosystem? 

It was crazy to believe that one person could help the planet; how could my sustainable habits possibly influence an entire ecosystem? 

    The truth is, even though you are just one person, one small ripple can create a powerful current. You have the power to influence your family, friends, and all the followers on your social media accounts. Your lifestyle, your choices, and your voice could move a whole generation to better govern our planet and take care of our resources. Once you touch 10 people, they'll reach another 10 people, and this chain of information moves around so swiftly it creates a revolution. So yes, you are just one person, but your lifestyle can change the world.

Here are some simple tips for starting a sustainable lifestyle:


1. Use as much natural light as possible


Open those curtains and let the sun shine through! The less electricity you use, the less greenhouse gases and fossil fuels are released into our atmosphere.


2. Recycle your electronics!


Giving something a new life reduces the amount of waste in our landfills. Recycling your electronics is very important because they contain toxic and hazardous materials such as mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, chromium, and chemical flame retardants, which may leak into our soil and water, when decomposing in a landfill. Many "old" electronics still have working pieces inside that can be reused as well! Giving your old cellphone or laptop to a friend, electronic store, or Goodwill will create new products without producing more parts!


3. Give away your clothing

In New York City alone clothing and textiles account for more than six percent of all garbage, which translates to 193,000 tons tossed annually. We have about 13 billion tons of clothing and textile waste in our landfills at the moment! Clothing doesn't just lie in landfills, they decompose and release "landfill gas" into our atmosphere which is a toxic brew of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide and methane. 

So, instead of throwing clothes away you can give it to your friends, family, and neighbors, donate it to a local Salvation Army or Goodwill, sell it at a Buffalo Exchange or Becon's Closet, or sell them virtually on popular apps and sites like Depop, Letgo, Ebay, Etsy, etc.


4. DIY your clothing

We know clothes get old and boring. One of the worst feelings in the world is having your favorite shirt get stained or your denim jacket rip. Instead of throwing it away, youtube some fun DIY's to make your old clothes look cool again. Adding simple pins and patches really go a long way and help reinvent an old look.

5. Make mason jars your best friend


Switching from plastic to glass makes a tremendous difference. While plastic loses it's integrity and gets thrown out within a few years, glass is easy to reuse and lives almost forever. I bought a pack of 12 mason jars for $8.99 at target and I use them for everything! I meal prep and place my food and green juices in them, I use them as water bottles / cups, they make great plant pots, and soap dispensers! Pinterest has a lot of creative mason jar usage ideas! I totally recommend going there for inspiration. 


6. Switch to LED lights

LED lighting in comparison to incandescent lighting, is way more eco-friendly. LEDs contain no harmful mercury and use less energy to produce the same light output as other lamp alternatives. They are also proven to last longer (10 years!) which reduces the need to keep purchasing bulbs. LED light bulbs are also super inexpensive! I found great ones for $1.95! Click here to purchase yours!


7. Enjoy and Use what you have!

One of the biggest aspects of sustainable living is the rejection of over consumption. We live in a "see now, buy now world," so, we shop so much without really thinking "do I need this?" Put a halt on you shopping. Read all the books currently on your book shelf, you know the ones you never got around to. Create new outfit combinations with the clothes already in your closet! Cook everything in your house first before going grocery shopping again. Living and enjoying what you already have is the mindset that will help you not only become more grateful but indulge in an eco-conscious and sustainable lifestyle!



Stay Gold,

Dynasty George